Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fantasy realms

So this weekend i went camping with my family, also took a few days off work so we went to Eastfork park. it was pretty fun we saw some things and laid around and chilled. one bad thing was the heat index was at 100 for most the weekend. the good thing was that we were in a cabin with A/C. yeah really roughen it i know. but whenever i go camping i take some books to read. (also my DS but we won't be going into that in this post). so i decided to pick up some books that i had read before. the LOTR(Lord of the Rings) series. i also have had The Silmarillion laying around that i had started to read at one point but had never finished so i decided to read those 4 books over the weekend. well that didnt happen, the Silmarillion turned out to be very much a history book (as it is about the creation of middle earth and the early days of the Eldar (elves). the beginning was very slow but i kept reading and it picked up during the end. but by the time i finished it was Sunday and i was expecting another fantasy book to be coming in the mail by wednesday. so decided to stop reading and wait for that to come to read it before continuing on in the realm of Tolkien. happily enough the book i ordered came in monday :). The Ghosts of Ascalon which is a book set in the Guild Wars Universe right before the time of Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars is the game i devote 80-90% of my gaming time too, so one could say i was a little bit exicted to read it. but i finished it last night! which is also the reason why the blog is coming out today instead of yesterday. the book was just that good!

so i geeked it up during the weekend. but now coming to the actual point of my post. how do fantasy realms fit into a Christian life, or do they?

of course my first assumption is going to be yes because i love reading fantasy novels. there are good things and bad things in these novels. one of the good things is that good and bad are for the most part easily defined. (of course there are books like the Song of ice and fire series where you have no clue who is in the right). The Bible also tells us not to mess with magic or spirits yet Fantasy novels are filled with these things and often the main character uses magic or deals with spirits, if not hate main character then at least a strong supporting character. these books are also filled with violence where the main character is rewarded and renown for killing so many things(given usually these are no about it evil things) yes i know its not real but should we even be filling our heads with spells and violent images.

So What do you think, what are your guys thoughts on the subject. as i think more about it(and read the rest of the LOTR series lol) this week ill have more questions and maybe even some answers to what i have said here and to what you guys comment, in the post next week.

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